A warm welcome!
Hello and welcome to the online home of Moreton Christian Assembly – where all are welcome to come and share in the truths of the Bible and in fellowship with others. MCA is an independent church in Moreton on the Wirral – 5 minutes from Birkenhead, 10 minutes from Liverpool city centre, and easily accessible by car or train.
We believe the Bible has an important message for every area of life, and we’re keen to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. Whether you are a Christian looking for a sound church to have fellowship in, or someone who wants to know more about God and the relationship you can have with Him, we would love to welcome you at MCA!
Sign up for our mailing list
Our mailing list lets you keep in touch with our news whenever we have a special event or some news to share.
We only send occasional updates, and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Our beliefs
The Bible, in its entirety, is the foundation for our beliefs. The Apostle Paul wrote that “all Scripture is inspired by God”, and we trust it as the final authority on all matters, for both the church and our individual lives.

Meetings and events
As well as our services and mid-week meetings, we hold a free tots playgroup for our community in Moreton, together with special meetings and events from time to time.

Watch our sermons
For those who can’t get to a service or live in another part of the country, we record all our talks. Some talks are individual, and others are part of a series going through a book of the Bible in order.
Enjoying relationship with the God Who created us
Being a Christian isn’t primarily about going to church or doing good things – it’s about having a real relationship with God our Maker, who created us and wants us to know Him. He’s revealed Himself to us through the Bible, and through His Son Jesus, who came down and lived among us, died to take the punishment we deserved for our wrong ways of living, and rose again to give eternal life to all who turn to Him.
Need to speak to someone?
If you’re going through a difficult time – perhaps in a relationship, with your job, or having lost a loved one – you don’t need to bear the load on your own!
Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
If you’re willing to ask God for help, He is able and willing to answer you – but if you would rather have someone pray with you or for you, we would be more than happy to do this.