What’s On

We have a variety of meetings and groups each month as a church, as well as special events at certain times in the year, which all are welcome to attend. For more information on our special events, please see the events section on our Facebook page, where you can also share the events and invite others. You can also sign up to our mailing list to be notified occasionally about events that may interest you.

Sunday Morning Service

Every Sunday at 10.30am
Our morning service begins with a time of open worship, followed by opportunities to pray for those in need, and to share testimonies of God’s help or encouragements from the Word. There is then a talk, during which children can go out for Sunday school or creche.

Fellowship lunch

First Sunday of each month
On the first Sunday of the month, we hold a fellowship lunch after the morning service. This is a chance to share fellowship together and get to know each other better.

Mid-week Meeting

Wednesdays at 7.30pm, usually on Zoom
Our main mid-week meeting usually begins with a short time of worship, followed by a time of prayer, and either an in-depth study of a Bible passage or a time of sharing. Our focus for prayer changes each week, covering local, national or international issues.

Prayer Meeting

Most Thursdays at 10.30am
As well as the prayer time on Wednesday nights, we have a further slot on Thursdays so we can give more of our time to prayer. This is most commonly focused on prayer for the nation, though we are open to how the Lord leads in taking up other topics.

Coffee Morning

3rd Thursday of the month, 10.30-11.30am
Our monthly coffee morning is an opportunity to chat, have a cuppa, and enjoy delicious home-made cakes and scones. Drop in at any time!


(Paused for the time being)
We have run a free weekly tots group for several years for the benefit of the community. This has been paused recently, but we hope to have this or another community event running again in the near future!

Special Events

From time to time we hold special events, which are usually focused on reaching out to others in the community (although there are special prayer events and guest speakers too). Please sign up to our mailing list, or like our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with our events.